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Tag Archives: apology

Not lost

In case anyone might wonder: no, I am not lost or gone with the wind. I guess the best term, which is often used, is MIA. Missing in Action! Now, I wish I could say that I am baking and cooking like crazy, that I am making new things and trying new things and writing reviews.

But I am not.

The simple fact is, I am training for a marathon and that training takes a lot of time. It is also quite exhausting and food is to refuel not to look pretty, as least at the moment. My concerns these days are my pace, and the distance and injury related. Food, baking and cooking take the backseat.

However, do not despair, I have posts liked up, or rather, I have cooked and baked, taken pictures but no time to write it down yet. There is also a stack of books on my counter that asked to be reviewed. I also want to re-make old recipes and re-shoot them so you, my reader, has a better idea of the product.

After the FBC conference in April there are many things that I would like to enhance with the blog. As said above, photographs are one thing, re-writing the recipes is another thing. But all of this is work in progress, or rather planning in progress.

I will try to add a new recipe this week for your enjoyment. The marathon is May 26th, a couple of days of rest afterwards and I should be back to my old self.

Thank you for your patients.

What keeps you busy these days?

Happy Baking and Cooking.