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Where has the time gone?

Mixed Pumpkins

I use my blog as online cookbook and bring it up when I am cooking at home on a regular basis. Today, I was looking at Christmas cookie recipes and notice that it’s been well over two years that I posted an actual recipe.

What happened?

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Food photos from my Germany trip

I spent 3.5 months in Germany, from October 2014 to mid January 2015. I also took a trip to Graz, Austria and Prague, Czech Republic. The following pictures were taken during that time, all with my smart phone camera. As a result, some pictures are not too well light, over exposed due to the flash, or grainy due to the lack of light. I was able to get some nice pictures but not all are awesome. Yet, I felt I should show them anyway, it was a fun trip with awesome food after all.

Click on a pictures to see it bigger and the caption.

Coming back soon, hopefully

As you have all noticed, not much has happened here on Baking in Saskatoon. This is mainly due to my pregnancy and the lack of energy I feel towards writing. I still bake and cook, take pictures and think of this blog much. Yet, sitting down and bringing it all on paper seems so much work right now that I can’t be bothered.

I hope, however, to get back into the swing of thing because there is a ton of material to post here and I would really love to get back to it. So please, be patient with me and hopefully I will be back soon.

Thank you and much love to you all for 2014.

Pulled Pork and BBQ in a Bag

Pulled Pork on a plate with BBQ sauce

Pulled Pork

A couple of weeks ago there was a wedding at my parents-in-law acreage. For an easy lunch my mother-in-law made some pulled pork and served it with some side salad. It’s easy to eat while running around and doing some things. I was amazed by the flavour, not just of the pork but also my the soup that was left over as a result.

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A Regional Canadian Food: Saskatoon Berries

Finished Saskatoon Berrie Pie with flower and butterfly finish

Finished Saskatoon Berrie Pie with flower and butterfly finish

I almost forgot about the Canadian Food Experience Project post for this month. You can tell I am a bit out of the food loop. *sigh* This month it’s all about regional food and again, it’s tricky. How regional is regional in a country like Canada?

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My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory – Fiddleheads

Pan fried fiddleheads with balsamic vinegar on a white plate

Pan fried fiddleheads

Baking in Saskatoon is back and it’s back with a bang. I will participate in the

The Canadian Food Experience Project

which was started by Valerie from A Canadian Foodie. Each month participating bloggers will write about a specific topic and post their thoughts and recipes on the 7th of each month. On the 15th of each month Valerie will post a recap of all posts for people to have easy access. I encourage you to chime in and post your thoughts as well. Either here, or on A Canadian Foodie or on the The Canadian Food Experience Project Facebook page as well as on Twitter with #CanadianFood.

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Not lost

In case anyone might wonder: no, I am not lost or gone with the wind. I guess the best term, which is often used, is MIA. Missing in Action! Now, I wish I could say that I am baking and cooking like crazy, that I am making new things and trying new things and writing reviews.

But I am not.

The simple fact is, I am training for a marathon and that training takes a lot of time. It is also quite exhausting and food is to refuel not to look pretty, as least at the moment. My concerns these days are my pace, and the distance and injury related. Food, baking and cooking take the backseat.

However, do not despair, I have posts liked up, or rather, I have cooked and baked, taken pictures but no time to write it down yet. There is also a stack of books on my counter that asked to be reviewed. I also want to re-make old recipes and re-shoot them so you, my reader, has a better idea of the product.

After the FBC conference in April there are many things that I would like to enhance with the blog. As said above, photographs are one thing, re-writing the recipes is another thing. But all of this is work in progress, or rather planning in progress.

I will try to add a new recipe this week for your enjoyment. The marathon is May 26th, a couple of days of rest afterwards and I should be back to my old self.

Thank you for your patients.

What keeps you busy these days?

Happy Baking and Cooking.

FBC2013 – First Food Bloggers of Canada Conference

Posted on
Andrea MacLeod, Kelly Brison and Kris are being silly in the KitchenAid photo booth.


Yes, that’s quite the title and it is really fitting the weekend that we had, out at the Hockley Valley Resort in Orangeville. It was great to say the least, overwhelming almost. A whirlwind of 3 days of meeting people, eating great food, learning a lot and enjoying it to the fullest.

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Work in Progress

I thought I just let you all quickly know that I am not injured, or dead, or anything else terrible. I am just fairly busy with my daily life and marathon training. However, I am working on a post about the Food Bloggers of Canada Conference that I attended two weekends ago. It should be up and running by this week.

Here a little sneak peak for you.

Photography and Food

Photography and Food


Stuffed Bell Peppers

Cooked Bell Peppers

Like every family, mine has certain dishes that are a staple. It’s those dishes that identify us as a family. Many have been handed down generations, some are fairly new. My mother like to experiment with new things, but she also liked to serve those classics that work with everyone. Such a dish are Stuff Bell Peppers.

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