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Colourful Carnival Version

You don’t speak German to understand, well, here’s the English word for word translation: chocolate kisses. No, not Hershey’s Kisses… The dictionary says: chocolate marshmallows or small chocolate-covered cream cake. But neither of those do the thing justice. So the only thing I can think of is giving you the German name…and a pictures of course. Those are the ones I made but they are not looking like the ones from the store, obviously. It’s a bit tricky but stay with me because it’s a fun and different treat.

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Red Velvet Cake

I don’t know what the hype is about the Red Velvet Cake. It seems to be a big thing on this side of the planet, for whatever reason. For me, it’s a cake with red colour, that’s it. I doesn’t taste like anything special, at least I didn’t notice. But, I admit, it looks pretty and is very appropriate for Valentine’s Day.

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