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German Waffles

Some might remember the post about Waffles I made mid February. (Check out the post here.) Those waffles were a North American recipes I got out of my Canadian cook book. But it reminded me that my aunt also used to make waffles. Not on a regular breakfast basis like they do over here. Waffles back home are a bit more of a dessert thing.

So, I wrote my auntie an email (thank goodness she has that) and asked her for the recipe. She ended up sending me like 10 recipes, but the first one was the one I was looking for. However, I had no idea that the recipe actually comes from my grandma. Another one that gets handed down the line.


-6 eggs
– 250g coconut oil (aroma free)
– 500g corn starch
– 1 tbsp. rum
– 1/4 tsp. vanilla

Tip 1: Back home we have a special coconut oil that is used for baking and cooking. Over here you can find something similar which is organic and you will find it in that isle in your grocery store (if the store is big enough). I found mine at Superstore.

Tip 2: If you can not fine coconut oil then substitute it with vegetable shortening. I haven’t tried it but I am very sure it will work as well since the waffles will be baked.

Melt the oil but make sure it won’t be hot. Then add the sugar and eggs and mix well. Slowly add the corn starch and stir in between. Finish off with some rum and vanilla sugar.

The batter will be rather gooey, which is just fine. When you use a North American waffle iron make sure to use not too much batter. It should barely cover the base. Using a German waffle iron would be better because these waffles are designed to be flat.

Looks like regular waffles, they are not, trust me.

Verdict is, my husband doesn’t like them much, it reminds him too much of cake. I like them but they are a bit too thick using the waffle iron I have. At work everyone was happy and liked it and those people are all Germans knowing their food.

Top it off with some nice fruit sauce and whipped cream. How? Very simple.

Fruit sauce:

– 1 1/2 cup fruit
– 1 cup orange juice
– 1 1/2 cup water
– 1/2 cup sugar
– 3 tbsp. corn starch
– hint of cinnamon
– almond flavour

Clean your fruit and bring them to a boil together with the orange juice. Mix together water, sugar and the corn starch and add to the fruit. Cook until there is no flavour of corn starch left and the sauce is thick.

I didn’t use cinnamon or almond flavour. It didn’t seem right with strawberries. Furthermore the almond flavour seems a bit too strong for my taste.

Now you just need to top it off with some whipped cream, right? Right!

Thanks to the warm fruit sauce the whipped cream is melting.

Whipped cream:

– 1 cup whipping cream
– 1-3 tbsp. icing sugar (to your taste)
– 1/4 tsp. vanilla

Beat the whipping cream until it is fluffy then add the sugar and vanilla. Beat until the cream is stiff but make sure you are not over beating otherwise it will separate.

So now you have everything you need for a little waffle fest. Just make sure your sauce a bit warm and it will be just wonderful.

Happy eating!

About andreamacleod

Take a KitchenAid Artisan machine, a young wife, time, creativity and mix it well. You end up with endless options of baking goodies from German torte to North American cupcakes. Follow me on my baking and cooking adventures and throw in your cent or two. There are no limits!

One response »

  1. They look yummy! I will make some soon!


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