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Tag Archives: waffles

German Waffles

Some might remember the post about Waffles I made mid February. (Check out the post here.) Those waffles were a North American recipes I got out of my Canadian cook book. But it reminded me that my aunt also used to make waffles. Not on a regular breakfast basis like they do over here. Waffles back home are a bit more of a dessert thing.

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Mini waffle tower.

Waffles are an American staple, just like pancakes, for breakfast. This is a bit unusual for us Germans because we only eat waffles for dessert once in a blue moon and on the Christmas Market. Frankly, I don’t recall having waffles unless it was at the Christmas Market.

But, if you are in Rome do as the Romans, in this case, do as the Canadians when in Canada. Since we found a 4 in one (sandwich, grill, griddle, waffle plates) at Walmart the other day I though I should make some waffles soon. My husband is certainly not opposed to the idea and so I whipped up something today while talking to family back home.

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