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Autumn Giveaway

So after I posted the Pumpkin Spice Autumn Sandwich Cookies a friend “complained” that she didn’t have those cookie cutters. So, I thought I could do a quick little Autumn Giveaway. It’s not big, it’s not overly exciting as some others, but you can never have too many cookie cutters. Especially since you can use them for many other things.

The prize will be this set of 5 Autumn Cookie cutters with: a pumpkin, an apple, an acorn, a maple leave and another leave (I probably know the name but can’t remember right now).

How to enter? Simply leave a comment on this page and let me know what your favourite Autumn recipe is. Also, go over to Facebook and like Baking in Saskatoon and let me know here that you do. That will give you two entries.

Make sure to leave your email otherwise I will not be able to contact you, thus picking another winner.

Good luck!



– The giveaway will run from October 2nd, 2012, 8 a.m. Saskatchewan Time to October 9th, 2012, 8 a.m. Saskatchewan Time.

– Must be 18 years or older.
– The contest is open internationally and is not restricted to any country.
– You must leave ONE comment underneath this post, telling me what you favourite Autumn recipe is, baking or cooking.
– You have a second chance of winning if you “like” my Facebook page and leave a separate comment here that you do.
– The winner will be drawn at random by
– The winner will be announced on Tuesday, October 9th, 2012 after 8 a.m. Saskatchewan time.
– The winner has 48 hours to contact me, if s/he fails to do so, another winner will be picked by
– This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with Facebook. You understand that you are providing your information to Baking in Saskatoon, not Facebook.
– Baking in Saskatoon is not responsible for lost email.

Disclaimer: The cookie cutter set was purchased by me and not provided. I was not paid  for advertising this set.

About andreamacleod

Take a KitchenAid Artisan machine, a young wife, time, creativity and mix it well. You end up with endless options of baking goodies from German torte to North American cupcakes. Follow me on my baking and cooking adventures and throw in your cent or two. There are no limits!

26 responses »

  1. My favorite Autumn recipe would be a hallowed out roasted pumpkin filled with pumpkin soup and serve with a pumpkin bread.

  2. I follow you on facebook and left you a message about how wonderful your bread bowl was that you posted last week and that I hope I win the cookie cutters. Love your Blog!

  3. I love cranberry pumpkin bread!!!

  4. My favourite autumn recipe is Pumpkin Jelly Roll with a cream cheese filling.

  5. I already follow you through facebook on my personal page and my business page: The Occasional Cookie. And I LOVE cookie cutters!

  6. My favorite is pumpkin roll

  7. I like pumpkin recipes, especially pumpkin risotto with mushrooms 🙂

  8. I follow on facebook – Karina Vavere
    thanks, I love having different cookie cutters!

  9. Woaaaa, what a great idea, the give-away! I can tell you guys: It is so amazing to win a give-away competition organised by Andrea! And seasonal cookie-cutters can make your day, even your entire week! And I am still so happy that I won the spring-competition.
    Fav recipe….in autumn…(btw, it’s spring in NZ, but I try thinking about autumn…) I love everything pumpkin too, but in order to sweetn-up the ideas: I love plum cake (a yeast-based dough and plums – so good!)

  10. deb in Georgia

    My favorite autumn recipe is pork chops simmered in apple cider. BTW..I think the other leaf design might be the might oak… hubby’s favorite 😉

  11. Defiintely apple cider roasted pork loin with carrots. It is SO good. Here is a link to where I got the recipe. –

  12. I’ll give you two favourites for the price of one. Darcy loves roasted pumpkin seeds or, as she refers to them, “pumpkin braaaaiiins!”

    I like rich autumn soups, like squash, pumpkin, and split pea.

    Okay, that’s four.

  13. I love to make pumpkin mints! I liked your page on facebook.

  14. I have new fall favourite this year – pumpkin spice drop cookies with vanilla and espresso glaze (liked it so much it’s my cover pic!). Especially when you tuck a little crem cheese in the centre…

  15. AND I already liked your page as me, so I just went and liked it as AbSOULutely DelightFULL. Because your stuff is so good, it’s worth liking twice 🙂

  16. My favorite fall recipe is pumpkin cream cheese roll. I follow your page on facebook

  17. Katie Johnson

    My favorite autumn recipes are anything that involve pumpkin, especially pumpkin chocolate chip bread. 🙂

  18. Katie Johnson

    I “like” you on Facebook. 🙂

  19. Michael J. McCoy

    Pumpkin Pie!!!!!!!

  20. Susan Maslowski

    Fresh Apple Pumpkin Pie is my favorite autumn recipe, using homegrown pumpkin and slightly tart apple varieties. Here is the recipe.

  21. 1. Unser Favorit, gefüllter Hokaido mit Hackfleisch Kürbis und Käse (auch mit Hühnchen, Kürbis und Käse) für Vegetarier mit Paprika, Zuchini, Kürbis und Käse – bei allen Varianten viel Knoblauch – gebacken
    2. Kürbis Ingwer Suppe mit Kokosmilch und Chili –
    3. gebackene Kürbisspalten ganz einfach nur mit Öl, Knoblauch, Chilipulver und Salz

    um jetzt noch tolle Herbstkekse zu backen wäre diese tolle Ausstechform natürlich nicht schlecht 😀


  22. My favourite recipe is a roast pumpkin soup…perfect for rainy Autumn evenings! 🙂

  23. My favorite recipe is turkey salad sandwiches especially when there is so much turkey left over after Thanksgiving and you don’t know quite what to do with it all.

  24. I have two favourite autum recipe that’s maple baked apples and pumpkin loaf. Both are easy to do and tastes good too.


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