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Tag Archives: canadian food

A Regional Canadian Food: Saskatoon Berries

Finished Saskatoon Berrie Pie with flower and butterfly finish

Finished Saskatoon Berrie Pie with flower and butterfly finish

I almost forgot about the Canadian Food Experience Project post for this month. You can tell I am a bit out of the food loop. *sigh* This month it’s all about regional food and again, it’s tricky. How regional is regional in a country like Canada?

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My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory – Fiddleheads

Pan fried fiddleheads with balsamic vinegar on a white plate

Pan fried fiddleheads

Baking in Saskatoon is back and it’s back with a bang. I will participate in the

The Canadian Food Experience Project

which was started by Valerie from A Canadian Foodie. Each month participating bloggers will write about a specific topic and post their thoughts and recipes on the 7th of each month. On the 15th of each month Valerie will post a recap of all posts for people to have easy access. I encourage you to chime in and post your thoughts as well. Either here, or on A Canadian Foodie or on the The Canadian Food Experience Project Facebook page as well as on Twitter with #CanadianFood.

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