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Tag Archives: food

Food photos from my Germany trip

I spent 3.5 months in Germany, from October 2014 to mid January 2015. I also took a trip to Graz, Austria and Prague, Czech Republic. The following pictures were taken during that time, all with my smart phone camera. As a result, some pictures are not too well light, over exposed due to the flash, or grainy due to the lack of light. I was able to get some nice pictures but not all are awesome. Yet, I felt I should show them anyway, it was a fun trip with awesome food after all.

Click on a pictures to see it bigger and the caption.

My First Authentic Canadian Food Memory – Fiddleheads

Pan fried fiddleheads with balsamic vinegar on a white plate

Pan fried fiddleheads

Baking in Saskatoon is back and it’s back with a bang. I will participate in the

The Canadian Food Experience Project

which was started by Valerie from A Canadian Foodie. Each month participating bloggers will write about a specific topic and post their thoughts and recipes on the 7th of each month. On the 15th of each month Valerie will post a recap of all posts for people to have easy access. I encourage you to chime in and post your thoughts as well. Either here, or on A Canadian Foodie or on the The Canadian Food Experience Project Facebook page as well as on Twitter with #CanadianFood.

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Work in Progress

I thought I just let you all quickly know that I am not injured, or dead, or anything else terrible. I am just fairly busy with my daily life and marathon training. However, I am working on a post about the Food Bloggers of Canada Conference that I attended two weekends ago. It should be up and running by this week.

Here a little sneak peak for you.

Photography and Food

Photography and Food


Vacation Foods


Food Waste


A fellow food blogger from Saskatoon posted an article on Facebook a while ago about food waste. Being a foodie not just includes making, eating, photographing and enjoying food, it also includes reading and educating oneself about food. Where it comes from, how it is produced, how techniques work and also what will happen if it is not bought or not used.

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Freshly Pressed – I wish

Posted on

The current “Freshly Pressed” list.

The first thing you will notice when going to WordPress is their front page with the “Freshly Pressed” blogs. At first, I didn’t quite understood this but thought it was nice. Several topics are always presented, like travel, food, books, movies etc. It’s interesting to see what is out there, what people write about and what moves them. This was before I had my own WordPress account.

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Food from our Vancouver trip

I’ve already showed you what we had at the German Christmas Market and I must say that was delicious. However, that was not the only food we had on the Vancouver trip of course. Eating out on trips is common and I enjoyed the things we had. Of course my husband was rather annoyed with me taking pictures. There goes the foodie in me.

There are no culinary surprises I can tell you that, but  it was certainly delicious.

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Christmas Market Food

My husband and I made it safely to Vancouver, that was a 17 hour trip in total. First through Llyodminster, then Edmonton, through Jasper and then a night over at Valemont. From there we went through Kamloops and all the way to Vancouver. After a little break at the Bed & Breakfast we went over to the German Christmas Market Read the rest of this entry

Saskatoon Farmers Market

Not overly crowded, but it was cold that day.

As you figured by now I don’t post over the weekend. I probably would have time to do so, but sometimes I just can’t be bothered. Or I am so busy with things that I don’t have time. Saturdays have a certain routine for us. Usually I talk to my mother in Germany, then we go to the Farmers Market, after that we either go grocery shopping or swimming, though swimming hasn’t happen in a long while.

I like Farmers Markets and the one in Saskatoon is certainly a little jewel.

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Photography – Light

This is how your food should look like, sharp and crisp colours.

This post is related to the food presented here but obviously it’s no recipe. I just thought I share my thoughts on food photography especially my issues with it. Let me start with what I use, which is probably very simple to some other bloggers out there.

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