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Deviled Eggs


Welcome to the new year, 2013. I hope you had a good New Year’s Eve and that you will have a wonderful new year. May all you wish for come true and that you stay healthy and happy.

We were invited to a New Year’s Eve party, which was also a potluck. Honestly, I had not much inspiration so I wanted to do something simple. Deviled eggs fall definitely under that category.

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Baumkuchen is a German specialty, which is especially popular during Christmas time. Let me quickly dissect the name for you so you know what it all means.

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Rolled Omelette – Julia Child’s 100th Birthday Celebration

On August 15th Julia Child would have turned 100. She is the Lady of Modern American Food preparation and inspired million of people to get into the kitchen with her “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” book, which took her a while to get published. She had a TV show, or rather several I believe, and of course many books. A revival of her persona and her cooking style took place thanks to the movie “Julie & Julia”, in which we see Julie Powell (one of the first food bloggers I dare say) tackles all recipes from the book. Child’s Publisher launches a “JC100” celebration where food bloggers around the world receive a recipes each Monday (before everyone else) to recreate and twist, or stick to the original.

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Meringue Germany style

What do you do with left over egg whites? You make meringue of course, and I am not talking about lemon meringue pie, I am talking about meringue “cookies”. It sometimes happen that I have egg whites left over, for example during Christmas baking, or Easter baking. One of my Easter recipes, which I still haven’t shared, uses 9 egg yolks. NINE! Sure, you can just toss out the egg whites but what a waste that would be.

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Mini waffle tower.

Waffles are an American staple, just like pancakes, for breakfast. This is a bit unusual for us Germans because we only eat waffles for dessert once in a blue moon and on the Christmas Market. Frankly, I don’t recall having waffles unless it was at the Christmas Market.

But, if you are in Rome do as the Romans, in this case, do as the Canadians when in Canada. Since we found a 4 in one (sandwich, grill, griddle, waffle plates) at Walmart the other day I though I should make some waffles soon. My husband is certainly not opposed to the idea and so I whipped up something today while talking to family back home.

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