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Tag Archives: Julia Child

Julia Child’s 100th Birthday and JC100

Today marks the 100th Birthday of Julia Child, that tall woman who taught American how to cook French cuisine and who took cooking to a whole different level. Frankly, I can not say much about the state of cooking the the United States in the 1960s. But from what I hear, it wasn’t the best or rather very versatile. Well, I grew up in the GDR behind the iron curtain, our daily meal was probably not much better or exciting. Julia with her personality and perspective on food changed all that, and much more.

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Cold Leek & Potato Soup – JC100 Week 5

It’s been a rather busy week with me, at work and at home. I barely had any time to make anything this week. However, I was able to make the Week 5 of JC100 recipe, Cold Leek & Potato Soup. The recipe is fairly easy and actually a base for many other French soups. It’s also nice during hotter days when you don’t feel like a big meal or anything hot.

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Baileys Mousse Au Chocolate – JC100 Week 2

This recipe is brought to you by the JC100 celebration. It is the 2nd week recipe (we are already on week 4 btw). When I saw this I thought “Yes!” because Mousse au Chocolate is probably one of the most famous French desserts out there, besides croissants I guess. Up until now I lacked a bit of time to actually make the recipe, but I finally set down and did it.

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Rolled Omelette – Julia Child’s 100th Birthday Celebration

On August 15th Julia Child would have turned 100. She is the Lady of Modern American Food preparation and inspired million of people to get into the kitchen with her “Mastering the Art of French Cooking” book, which took her a while to get published. She had a TV show, or rather several I believe, and of course many books. A revival of her persona and her cooking style took place thanks to the movie “Julie & Julia”, in which we see Julie Powell (one of the first food bloggers I dare say) tackles all recipes from the book. Child’s Publisher launches a “JC100” celebration where food bloggers around the world receive a recipes each Monday (before everyone else) to recreate and twist, or stick to the original.

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